
Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids...

I admit it, I take the time to read a few children's books now and again. It seems I'm not alone as this Guardian writer talks about her love of children's books.
What are some of the must-reads that you recall with fond memories? Here are just a few that shaped my childhood:
  • The first novel I remember reading (to this day, it remains my sentimental favorite) is The Princess Bride by William Goldman. It may not "count" as a children's book, but I associate it with the pleasures of reading as I grew up.
  • Tamora Pierce's Tortall books. The obsession might have started with the fact that I'm a red-headed Alana and these books are about a red-headed Alanna, but I ultimately think they're fantastic for anyone regardless of hair color or name. Alanna is a fantastic heroine and I recently caught up with the work that Ms. Pierce has recently released (this time focusing on Alanna's daughter) and I'm still impressed with the creativity that positively abounds in these works.
  • Lloyd Alexander's Prydain Chronicles or his Vesper Holly books. I should re-read those sometime soon...
  • Any book illustrated by Sandra Boynton, particularly Chloe and Maude, which I can't seem to find in print so I can buy it for my godson.
  • Roald Dahl's Matilda. You read it and you loved it, admit it.
  • Harry Potter. Okay, so I wasn't a child when any of them came out, but they're still great.
  • Philip Pullman's Sally Lockhart books. I didn't get into his Dark Materials series until after I went to Oxford (I attended Exeter, his college, and took great pleasure in his locations modeled after Oxford) but they're great.
  • The latest children's book (aside from a picture book) that I've read was Kate DiCamillo's The Tale of Despereaux. It's being made into a movie sometime soon, too.

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